How would you describe the moon's pattern of phase changes in your own words? Write down your answer in your journal!
Welcome to 5th grade science! Read each post and make a comment. You can watch videos, check the weather, observe the moon phase and explore fun science websites. Have fun!
The reason we have seasons is because the earth is tilted on it's axis. During our summer, the top half (Northern Hemisphere) of the earth is pointed towards the sun, so we are exposed to the sun's warmth more. The bottom half (Southern Hemisphere) of the earth is pointed away from the sun, so they are experiencing winter.
When we orbit the sun, we will sometimes be pointed towards the sun, and we will sometimes be pointed away from the sun.
1. Why do we have seasons on the Earth?
2. How are seasons in the Northern Hemisphere alike and different from those in the Southern Hemisphere?
3. What would happen with the Seasons if the Earth never orbited around the Sun?
Click here: The Earth
What can you find on Earth (things that we use to live, landforms...etc.)?
Click here: The Moon
Now use your information you found and think about how the The Sun (red circle), Earth (green circle) and Moon (blue circle) are similar and different. Make this Venn diagram in your journal for Homework.
Have you ever put your sweater over your head and your hair sticks straight up? Have you ever touched a metal door knob and received a painful shock on your hand? Have you ever changed the batteries in your flashlight or remote control? Have you ever looked out the window during a thunder storm and observed a bright flash of light? All of these questions have one thing in common...
Pulling coke tab open with your fingers
Skiing down a mountain because gravity is pulling you down.
Sliding into 2nd base and slowing down because of friction.
Watch this video about Forces on BRAINPOP. Start at 2:00.
The water evaporated and the salt stayed in the cup.