This is because the moon is going around the earth, just like Earth orbits the sun. When it starts it's orbit, you cannot see it. It's called a New Moon. As it continues to move around the earth, it gets brighter adn brighter. You start to see half of the moon which is called First Quarter. and then the entire face of the moon is illuminated. This is called a Full Moon.
It's half way around the world when it's a Full Moon. As the moon goes through the second half of it's journey, it starts to get darker and darker. You can only see half of the moon again, which is called the Third Quarter. As it comes back to it's starting point, you can't see anything at all. The moon has made on full orbit around earth, and it's a New Moon again.
The moon goes through a cycle. The phases of the moon change, and it takes one month for the cycle to happen.

How would you describe the moon's pattern of phase changes in your own words? Write down your answer in your journal!
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